Grace Fellowship is a Family of Churches: (Saskatoon | Warman | Edmonton)

June Baptisms

Being reminded of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus on our behalf is always a good thing.  Seeing it pictured in the baptism of new followers of Jesus is also a great reminder that He is still drawing people to Himself. Baptism is a believer’s public confession of faith in Jesus – who publicly identified with us (sinners) by being “baptized” into our death and damnation on the cross.  By the act of being baptized (immersed in water) we are picturing that the death of Jesus and His resurrection was for us.

In being baptized, we are publicly proclaiming three things:

1. To God: Thank You for saving me!  I belong to You.

2. To Believers: Celebrate with me! Jesus has saved me!  Remember when He saved you?  Encourage me, help me and keep me accountable to following Jesus.

3. To Unbelievers: I want you to know the Jesus that I know.  If you see  anything good in my life, that’s jesus.  He wants you to know Him, as well.

Below you can experience a few excerpts from the day, captured on video:

[vimeo video_id=”68980976″ width=”640″ height=”360″ title=”Yes” byline=”Yes” portrait=”Yes” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”ffffff”]



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