Grace Fellowship is a Family of Churches: (Saskatoon | Warman | Edmonton)


It is the Gospel that forms us into Christ-treasuring community sent on mission to the world through the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God. It is our intention to be the church of Jesus followers that Jesus died to create – a blood-bought family of missionary servants sent by God to make disciples who make disciples. We are passionate about making Jesus known in our city and beyond.

To that end we gather in two main ways.

1. Large corporate gathering: On Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. all of our Gospel Communities in Saskatoon gather at the Scotiabank Theatre, downtown (347 2nd Ave. S.). We come together to worship God and celebrate all that Jesus is for us. Our church is full of imperfect people, and that should make you feel all the more welcome. We all fall short of God’s glory and need a Savior—Jesus Christ.

2. Gospel Communities: Throughout the week, we gather both formally and informally in smaller communities made of around eight or more people who gather together to Gospel one another, pray for specific needs, and focus on a specific mission together. Often this is where evangelism, equipping, shepherding, Gospel counseling, and teaching theology is done. It is in these smaller groups of people where we seek to live out our Gospel identity as a family of missionary servants sent by God to make disciples who make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). This is where much of the actual shepherding and application of the Gospel takes place.