Battlefords Bible Study

What it is:
An informal monthly gathering to explore the need and desire for a Gospel-centered community of Jesus-followers in the Battlefords and area. We do not see church as a building or an event, but a diverse people brought together under the good and gracious lordship of Jesus. Our focus is the Gospel of God’s grace and not religion.
When we use the word Gospel, we mean the historic Gospel of Jesus Christ crucified and resurrected. This Gospel is more than a collection of facts to be believed. It is also the good and true story that God himself came to pursue and rescue us. Though we had forsaken God in ignoring our Creator and going our own way, he has not forsaken us. Our God became one of us in the person of Jesus, who died and rose to defeat sin, death and evil in order to make all things new.
As followers of Jesus, we have come to realize that we are far more broken than we really comprehend, but in Christ we are more accepted than we could ever imagine.
Learn more about this Good News Story at
Our mission:
- Love Jesus
- Love People
- Help more people love Jesus
Every 3rd Sunday of the month. Our next studies are on May 21st and June 18th. Everyone is welcome!
Heritage Christian School
11 – 20th St. West,
Battleford, SK
For more information contact:
Murray McLellan